Lightweight Structural Modules

This studio platform seeks to present an alternative approach to
Industrial Design - exploratory research, which contributes to fundamental innovation.

Keywords: skin-texture-structure or cuboid or tetrahedral stack-ability 
with tangential  (or even curvature) continous surface continuity when added 

HSA - 01

AUG - OCT 2016 
Researched with
Under the guidance of

Every element in nature has its own unique biological strategy with the common purpose of survival. The method of Fusion Biomimicry explores the complementation of different elements from nature to create new possibilities. The fusion of complementary structures found in nature inspired this creation of HSA-01, which represents a single unit within a load-bearing structure.

NUS DID Gradbook 2016

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Biomimicry Methodologies

Nature is the greatest architect. We are inspired to use biomimicry as an approach to emulate nature’s time-tested patterns and strategies for our structure. The biomimetic design is broken into three main core methodologies.

FORM - Design based on intended function

PROCESS - Design and made based on natural processes of self-organization

SYSTEM - Design that performs multiple functions within an ecosystem

Most existing biomimicry designs only focus on one element from nature. We believe that there could be a potential to fuse the 3 methodologies to complement each other. Through our research, we identify the key element from nature to fit into each methodology.

Reference 1

FORM Hedgehog Foam-like shock-absorber Spine

For our main form inspiration, we decided to abstract the Y module from the cross section  of the hedgehog spine. This cross section is a foam-like structure that helps to support the thin outer walls against bend and pressure which makes the whole structure 3 times more efficient  as a shock absorber.

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Reference 2, 3

PROCESS Force Distribution of Spider Web

Next we look into how the spider first weaves a thick radial thread from the center of the web which is a primary structure made to absorb and dissipate impact. Even if one of the spiral threads is broken, the force distribution remains unchanged. We see this as an opportunity to smartly remove thread to achieve minimum material but yet retain the structure  effectiveness as a force distributor. 

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Reference 4, 5, 6

SYSTEM Fire Ant’s Polymorphism of colony

For the system, we looked at the fire ant’s self-assembling structure. These structures can be elastic or made to sustain external force. The ant formed these structures by actively filling up empty spaces while pushing each other apart to form a  highly interconnected network and porous structure which helps to strengthen the assembly while maintaining its lightweightness.

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Reference 7

Using fusion of biomimicry as an inspiration, I extracted a basic Y module from the hedgehog spine which is proven to be a good shock absorber. I improve on my unit cell by adding an additional curve on top of the Y module upon understanding th…

Using fusion of biomimicry as an inspiration, I extracted a basic Y module from the hedgehog spine which is proven to be a good shock absorber. I improve on my unit cell by adding an additional curve on top of the Y module upon understanding the spider’s web hierarchy structure. This added curve would help to redistribute the load more evenly. Before tessellating it, I purposefully thickened the joint to strengthen the whole structure. 



